Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hypnobabies Class Outline

Class 1 – Introduction to Hypnobabies
Positive Mindset; Pregnancy Anatomy and Physiology; Belief Systems;
The Power of Words; The Mind/Body Connection; What Hypnosis is and is NOT; How Fear Affects Comfort and Length of Labor; Fear Clearing; Daily Affirmations; Your Uterus and How it Works; Creating Your Mental Light switch; Partner Communication. Script: Learning Self-Hypnosis.

Class 2Staying Healthy and Low Risk
Importance of Diet; Nutritional Guidelines; Safe and Comfortable
Prenatal Positions & Exercise; Natural Comfort Measures; Hypnosis for Pregnancy & Health; Stages of Labor; Birth Partner Assistance. Script: Creating Anesthesia.

Class 3Your Options in Birthing
Tools for the Birth Partner; The Importance of Birthing Decisions;
Benefits, Risks, and Alternatives for Common Medical Procedures; Creating a Birth Plan; Positive Communication; Packing Your Birth Bag; Doula Support; Back Labor NO More. Script: Birth Hypnosis Tools.

Class 4The Onset of Labor
Signs of Birthing Beginning; True vs. “False” Labor; Timing Birthing Waves;
When to go to the Birth Place; Dilation, Effacement, Position and Station of Baby; Labor Progress, Induction Techniques; Creating a Safe and Serene Birthing Environment; Nausea Elimination; Optimum Fetal Positioning. Practice: Birth Partner Support & Deepening Your Hypno-Anesthesia.

Class 5Birth Partners, Transformation and Birth
Birth Partner Tools, Tips & Tricks; Verbal Birthing Cues; Physical Comfort
Techniques; Change of Plans Script; Transition; Deepening techniques; Effective Positions for Birthing; Post-Partum Choices. Birth videos. Practice: Birth Positions & Using Hypnobabies in the Moment!

Class 6Birthing Your Baby and Beyond
Postpartum & 4th Trimester; Newborn Procedures; New Baby Care; A Good Start with Breastfeeding; Baby slings & Carriers; Parenting & Breastfeeding Resources. Script: Visualize (Create!) Your Birth; Full Birthing Rehearsal.